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Small Bore Tubing

Regular price £25.00 GBP
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Target audience:

All relevant personnel.

Course Goal/Description:

This course provides an overview of industry best practice in relation to the design, construction and maintenance of small bore tubing systems.

Learning Objectives:

LO1 Explain the use of small bore tubing assemblies

LO2 Identify the main causes of failure in small bore tubing assemblies

LO3 Describe why small bore tubing incidents are a major concern

LO4 Identify the areas that a company’s small bore tubing system strategy should address

LO5 Describe the requirements of a small bore tubing system design philosophy

LO6 Identify the components of small bore tubing system

LO7 Describe the different types of fittings used within small bore tubing systems

LO8 Describe the material selection considerations when designing a small bore tubing system, including internal compatibility and external corrosion considerations

LO9 Identify the factors to consider when selecting tubing for a particular application

LO10 Describe the requirements associated with the material, branding and sizing of compression fittings

LO11 Describe the differences between parallel and tapered threads

LO12 Identify the factors that should be considered when selecting fittings

LO13 Identify the types of valve associated with small bore tubing systems

LO14 Describe how excessive dynamic loading can cause small bore tubing system failure

LO15 Describe the differences between pipework-mounted assemblies and steelwork-mounted assemblies

LO16 Identify the factors to consider when selecting the type of clamp for use in small bore tubing systems

LO17 Describe the handling and storage requirements for tubing and fittings

LO18 Describe the preparation and documentation requirements prior to installing small bore tubing systems

LO19 Explain tube preparation and cutting requirements

LO20 Explain the requirements associated with tube bending, and identify tube bending problems

LO21 Explain the steps involved in installation of small bore tubing components

LO22 Describe the sealant requirement for tapered threads

LO23 Describe the steps involved in disassembly and re-assembly

LO24 Explain how to minimise vibration-induced fatigue failure of small bore tubing assemblies

LO25 Explain the issue of thermal expansion and the use of Rectoils

LO26 Identify the support spacing requirements for long runs of tubing

LO27 Describe the requirements for pressure testing